Let's talk about money.
Yes it's important, but it's not everything...
If you compare the price of my tour to other tours around, you'll find, simply, that you get what you pay for.
I believe wholeheartedly in my product, and I'm confident you'll find it well worth the price (others seem to agree).
However, I also do not want money to be the thing that prevents you from having this experience.
So, if you sincerely cannot afford my prices, I'd like to help:
Please mention your discount in your booking and tell me how it applies to you.
Student & "backpacker" discounts - 10%
I've been there, I know what it's like. If you are a currently enrolled student or a backpacker on an extended travel (not just on holidays... you know who you are), then I'd love to help.
Return guest - 10%
Coming back for another adventure? You deserve a discount.
Other special needs - 10%+
Will a discount truly make the difference for you? Just write to me, or tell me about it in your booking: What's your story? Why do you want to come on this tour? How will a discount make all the difference? I think we can work something out :)